Distributable version of Redemption comes with a bonus library - Profman.
Normally MAPI profiles can only be manipulated using Extended MAPI in C/C++/Delphi. Profman library allows to manipulate MAPI profiles from any language, including VB and VB script. Note that Outlook 98/2000 installed in the Internet Only Mode (IMO) does not have profiles.
Installing Profman: Profman.dll is a regular self-registering COM dll; to register it either run regsvr32.exe Profman.dll or mark the dll as self-registering in your favorite installer.
See examples below. To learn more about the Extended MAPI profiles, download OutlookSpy from this site or ProfMan sample from MSDN
Profman Object Model:
Object Name | Property/Method | Description |
Profiles | Count property | The number of profiles |
Item(Index) collection | Collection of all profiles, returns Profile object | |
Add(strName, bAddDefaultServices, bShowDialog, wndParentWindow) | Create a new profile with a given name | |
Delete(Index) | Delete a profile | |
DefaultProfile | Default profile. See Profile object below | |
Profile | Name property | Name of the profile. Read/Write |
Default property | Boolean, Read/Write | |
Delete method | Delete the profile | |
Services collection | See Services object below | |
Copy(NewProfileName) | Copy the profile to a new profile with the given name | |
Services | Count property | Number of services in the profile |
Item(Index) collection | Returns Service object | |
Add(strServiceName, strDisplayName, bShowUI, wndParentWindow) | Add new service to a profile | |
Delete(Index) | Delete a service from a profile | |
Service | ServiceName property | The name of the service. Read only |
ResourceFlags property | Resource flags, integer, read only. See PR_RESOURCE_FLAGS on MSDN for a description of the possible values | |
DllName property | The name of the dll containing the service | |
ServiceEntryName property | The name of the function from the service dll which contains its entry point | |
ServiceSupportFiles property. | An array of strings with the names of all the
files required for the service.
Configure(ShowUI, wndParentWindow, objProperties) | Configures the service.
ShowUI must either be 0 (never), 1 (allowed if necessary) or 2 (always). wndParentWindow is the handle of a window which serves as a parent of a dialog the service might show objProperties - Profman.PropertyBag object. A collection of properties used to configure the service. See PropertyBag object below and the examples. |
DisplayName property | Display name of the service. Read/Write | |
Providers collection | Service providers collection. See Providers object below | |
ProfSect property | Provides access to the invividual service properties. See ProfSect object below | |
Providers | Count property | Number of providers in a service |
Item(Index) collection | Returns Provider object | |
Add(strProviderName, objProperties) | Adds a new provider with a given name and properties given by objProperties (see PropertyBag below and an example) | |
Provider | DisplayName property | Display name of the provider. Read only |
ProviderDisplay property | Corresponds to the PR_PROVIDER_DISPLAY Extended MAPI property | |
ProviderDllName property | The name of the dll containing the provider. Corresponds to the PR_PROVIDER_DLL_NAME Extended MAPI property. | |
ResourceFlags property | Resource flags of the provider. See PR_RESOURCE_FLAGS property on MSDN for the possible values | |
ResourceType property | Corresponds to the PR_RESOURCE_TYPE Extended MAPI property. | |
ServiceName property | Corresponds to the PR_SERVICE_NAME Extended MAPI property. | |
ProfSect property | Provides access to the invividual provider properties. See ProfSect object below | |
UID property | Provider UID | |
ProfSect | Item(PropertyTag) | Provides access to the individual service or provider properties, e.g. ProfSect.Item(&H3001001E) to get the PR_DISPLAY_NAME property |
This object is separately created and used to pass a collection of properties to the Service.Configure() and Providers.Add() methods. See examples below. |
Add(intPropTag, varValue) | Adds a new property to the bag. See examples below |
Examples. For the sake of simplicity no variables are dimmed.
'Enumerate and print the names of all services in all profiles
set Profiles=CreateObject("ProfMan.Profiles")
for i = 1 to Profiles.Count
set Profile = Profiles.Item(i)
set Services = Profile.Services
Debug.Print "------ " & Profile.Name & " ------"
for j = 1 to Services.Count
Debug.Print Services.Item(j).ServiceName
'Print the path to all the PST files in all profiles
PR_PST_PATH = &H6700001E
set Profiles=CreateObject("ProfMan.Profiles")
for i = 1 to Profiles.Count
set Profile = Profiles.Item(i)
set Services = Profile.Services
Debug.Print "------ Profile: " & Profile.Name & " ------"
for j = 1 to Services.Count
set Service = Services.Item(j)
If (Service.ServiceName = "MSPST MS") or (Service.ServiceName
= "MSUPST MS") Then
'there should be only one provider for this service
'but we should really loop through all the providers
Debug.Print Service.Providers.Item(1).ProfSect.Item(PR_PST_PATH)
End If
'Enumerate and print the names of all services and providers in all profiles
set Profiles=CreateObject("ProfMan.Profiles")
for i = 1 to Profiles.Count
set Profile = Profiles.Item(i)
set Services = Profile.Services
Debug.Print "------ " & Profile.Name
for j = 1 to Services.Count
set Service = Services.Item(j)
Debug.Print " ------ " & Service.ServiceName
for k = 1 to Service.Providers.Count
set Provider = Service.Providers.Item(k)
Debug.Print " ------ " & Provider.DisplayName
'Create (or reuse) a profile and add a PST file if it is not already there
PR_PST_PATH = &H6700001E
ProfileName = "Test PST Profile"
PSTPath = "c:\MyNewPST.pst"
set Profiles=CreateObject("ProfMan.Profiles")
on Error Resume Next
set Profiles=CreateObject("ProfMan.Profiles")
set NewProfile = Profiles.Item(ProfileName)
if Err.Number <> 0 Then
set NewProfile = Profiles.Add(ProfileName, false, false)
End If
set Services = NewProfile.Services
bPSTFound = false
for i = 1 to Services.Count
set Service = Services.Item(i)
for j = 1 to Service.Providers.Count
set Provider = Service.Providers.Item(j)
if Provider.ProfSect.Item(PR_PST_PATH) = PSTPath Then
bPSTFound = true
End If
If not bPSTFound Then
set PstService = NewProfile.Services.Add("MSPST MS", "Personal Folders", false)
set Properties = CreateObject("ProfMan.PropertyBag")
Properties.Add PR_PST_PATH, PSTPath
Properties.Add PR_DISPLAY_NAME, "The greatest PST file ever"
PstService.Configure 0, , Properties
End If
'Create new profile, add an Exchange server to it, configure
'and make it default
ProfileName = "Exchange Server Profile"
On Error Resume Next
set Profiles=CreateObject("ProfMan.Profiles")
'does that profile already exist?
set NewProfile = Profiles.Item(ProfileName)
if Err.Number <> 0 Then
'No, we must create the profile. Do so without adding the default
'services and without showing any UI
set NewProfile = Profiles.Add(ProfileName, false, false)
End If
'make the profile default
NewProfile.Default = true
'Add Exchange service
set ExchService = NewProfile.Services.Add("MSEMS", "Microsoft Exchange", false)
'create "ProfMan.PropertyBag" object to be used later
'in a call to ExchService.Configure
set Properties = CreateObject("ProfMan.PropertyBag")
'add the properties required to silently
'configure the Exchange provider
Properties.Add PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_NAME, "username"
'real value must
used, e.g. "dmitry"
Properties.Add PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER, "AddressOfTheServer"
value must used, e.g. "MyMailServer"
'Silently configure the Exchange provider
'ShowUI: 0 - never, 1 - if necessary, 2 - always
'Note: domain logon dialog will always be shown
'if you are not currently logged in to the same domain
ExchService.Configure 0, , Properties
add an extra Exchange mailbox to a given profile.
This sample uses CDO to retrieve the properties of the mailbox to be added
'see Q171636 for details
'todo: replace the name of the profile!!!
strProfileName = "Dmitry Streblechenko"
Sub AddMailBox(strProfile, strDisplayName, strMailboxDN, strServer, strServerDN)
set Profiles=CreateObject("ProfMan.Profiles")
if strProfile = "" Then
set Profile = Profiles.DefaultProfile
set Profile = Profiles.Item(strProfile)
End If
'find the Exchange service
set Services = Profile.Services
for i = 1 to Services.Count
set Service = Services.Item(i)
if Service.ServiceName = "MSEMS" Then
'Add "EMSDelegate" provider
set Properties = CreateObject("ProfMan.PropertyBag")
Properties.Add PR_DISPLAY_NAME, strDisplayName
Properties.Add PR_PROFILE_MAILBOX, strMailboxDN
Properties.Add PR_PROFILE_SERVER, strServer
Properties.Add PR_PROFILE_SERVER_DN, strServerDN
set Provider = Service.Providers.Add("EMSDelegate", Properties)
'update the old value of PR_STORE_PROVIDERS so that Outlook
'will show the mailbox in the list in Tools | Services
set GlobalProfSect = Profile.GlobalProfSect
OldProviders = GlobalProfSect.Item(PR_STORE_PROVIDERS)
strUID = Provider.UID
GlobalProfSect.Item(PR_STORE_PROVIDERS) = OldProviders & strUID
End If
End Sub
'It is assumed that the mailbox to add is on the same server as the
current user's mailbox
set Profiles=CreateObject("ProfMan.Profiles")
set Profile = Profiles.Item(strProfileName)
set Services = Profile.Services
for i = 1 to Services.Count
set Service = Services.Item(i)
if Service.ServiceName = "MSEMS" Then
set Providers = Service.Providers
for j = 1 to Providers.Count
set Provider = Providers.Item(j)
if Provider.ResourceType = MAPI_STORE_PROVIDER Then
set ProfSect = Provider.ProfSect
strProfileServer = ProfSect.Item(PR_PROFILE_SERVER)
strProfileServerDN = ProfSect.Item(PR_PROFILE_SERVER_DN)
End If
End If
'Add the first GAL entry's mailbox to the default profile
set AddrEntry = CDOSession.AddressLists.Item("Global Address
AddMailBox strProfileName, _
"Mailbox - " & AddrEntry.Fields(PR_DISPLAY_NAME).Value, _
AddrEntry.Fields(PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS).Value, _
strProfileServer, _
'display the path to the archive PST file (if available) for a given
'replace the profile name with the name of the actual profile
set Profiles=CreateObject("ProfMan.Profiles")
'set Profile = Profiles.DefaultProfile
set Profile = Profiles.Item("dimastr.com")
set ProfSect = Profile.OpenProfileSection("{00020D0A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
MsgBox ProfSect.Item(&H0324001E)