RDOContactItem object


RDOContactItem object represents an "IPM.Contact" message in one of Outlook's contacts folders. RDOContactItem is derived from the RDOMail object and as such inherits all the properties, methods and events implemented by the RDOMail object and adds the following methods and properties


Everywhere RDOMail object is normally returned (RDOSession.GetMessageFromID, RDOFolder.Items, etc), RDOContactItem will be returned if the message class is "IPM.Contact".


The example below creates and populates a new contact in the default Contacts folder.

set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
set ContactsFolder = Session.GetDEfaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
set Contact = ContactsFolder.Items.Add("IPM.Contact")

Contact.Email1Address = "test1@dimastr.com"
Contact.Email2Address = "test2@dimastr.com"
Contact.FirstName = "Dmitry"
Contact.LastName = "Streblechenko"





Derived from: RDOMail

In addition to all the properties and methods specific to RDOContactItem, it also implements all properties, methods and events of the RDOMail object, from which it is derived.



Returns or sets a Date indicating the anniversary date for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the name of the person who is the assistant for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the telephone number of the person who is the assistant for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a Date indicating the birthday for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the second business telephone number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the whole, unparsed business address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the city name portion of the business address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the country/region code portion of the business address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the postal code (zip code) portion of the business address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the post office box number portion of the business address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the state code portion of the business address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the street address portion of the business address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the business fax number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the URL of the business Web page for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the first business telephone number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the callback telephone number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the car telephone number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the names of the children of the contact. Read/write.




Returns a String representing the concatenated company name and full name for the contact. Read-only.




Returns a String representing the company name for the contact followed by the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name with no space between the last and first names. This property is parsed from the CompanyName, LastName, FirstName and MiddleName properties. Read-only.




Returns a String representing the company name for the contact followed by the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name with spaces between the last, first, and middle names. This property is parsed from the CompanyName, LastName, FirstName and MiddleName properties. Read-only.




Returns or sets a String representing the company main telephone number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the company name for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the name of the computer network for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the account for the contact. Read/write.

Note: this property corresponds to the ContactItem.Account in the Outlook Object Model. Since Account property is used by the RDOMail object (from which RDOContactItem is derived) to represent the e-mail account used to send or receive the message (not applicable to contacts), this property is called ContactAccount in Redemption.




Returns or sets a String representing the customer ID for the contact. Read/write.



Returns or sets a String representing the department name for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the e-mail address of the first e-mail entry for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the address type (such as EX or SMTP) of the first e-mail entry for the contact. This is a free-form text field, but it must match the actual type of an existing e-mail transport. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the display name of the first e-mail address for the contact. This property is set to the value of the FullName property by default. Read/write.

Note: unlike Outlook object model, this property is settable in Redemption.




Returns or sets a String representing the entry ID of the first e-mail address for the contact. Read/write.

Note: unlike Outlook object model, this property is settable in Redemption. When set, Email1Address, Email1DisplayName and Email1DisplayName will be reset to the values retrieved from the Address Book object opened using the specified entry id.

If not set, it will be populated from the values of the Email1Address, Email1DisplayName and Email1DisplayName properties when the contact is saved.




Returns or sets a String representing the e-mail address of the second e-mail entry for the contact. Read/write.



Returns or sets a String representing the address type (such as EX or SMTP) of the second e-mail entry for the contact. This is a free-form text field, but it must match the actual type of an existing e-mail transport. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the display name of the second e-mail address for the contact. This property is set to the value of the FullName property by default. Read/write.

Note: unlike Outlook object model, this property is settable in Redemption.




Returns or sets a String representing the entry ID of the second e-mail address for the contact. Read/write.

Note: unlike Outlook object model, this property is settable in Redemption. When set, Email2Address, Email2DisplayName and Email2DisplayName will be reset to the values retrieved from the Address Book object opened using the specified entry id.

If not set, it will be populated from the values of the Email2Address, Email2DisplayName and Email2DisplayName properties when the contact is saved.




Returns or sets a String representing the e-mail address of the third e-mail entry for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the address type (such as EX or SMTP) of the third e-mail entry for the contact. This is a free-form text field, but it must match the actual type of an existing e-mail transport. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the display name of the third e-mail address for the contact. This property is set to the value of the FullName property by default. Read/write.

Note:unlike Outlook object model, this property is settable in Redemption.




Returns or sets a String representing the entry ID of the third e-mail address for the contact. Read/write.

Note: unlike Outlook object model, this property is settable in Redemption. When set, Email3Address, Email3DisplayName and Email3DisplayName will be reset to the values retrieved from the Address Book object opened using the specified entry id.

If not set, it will be populated from the values of the Email3Address, Email3DisplayName and Email3DisplayName properties when the contact is saved.




Returns or sets a String indicating the default keyword string assigned to the contact when it is filed. Read/write.

Setting the FileAs property resets the FileUnderId property to fasAdHoc - this way even if other name properties (first, last, company name, etc) are set, the value of FileAs will not be automatically recalculated.

FileAs property is recalculated when the contact is saved




Integer, one of the rdoFileUnderId enums - Read/Write.

Returns or sets the method used by Redemption and Outlook to calculate the value of the FileAs property. Unless this property is set to fasAdHoc, FileAs property will be rebuilt from other name properties (first, last, company name, etc).

FileAs property is recalculated when the contact is saved


Valid rdoFileUnderId values:


fasAdHoc (0) - the value of FileAs is never recalculated; the explicitly set value is always used.
fasLastFirstMiddle (1) - FileAs is calculated as "Last, First Middle"
fasFirstMiddleLastSuffix (2) - FileAs is calculated as "First Middle Last Suffix"
fasCompany (3) - FileAs is calculated as "Company"
fasLastFirstMiddleCompany (4) - FileAs is calculated as "Last, First Middle (Company)"
fasCompanyLastFirstMiddle (5) - FileAs is calculated as "Company (Last, First Middle)"


'Create a new contact with FileAs set to "Company (Last, First Middle)"

'  "ACME Inc (Smith, John)"

set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
set Contact = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts).Items.Add
Contact.CompanyName = "ACME Inc"
Contact.FirstName = "John"
Contact.LastName = "Smith"
Contact.Email1Address = "jsmith@acmeinc.demo"

Contact.FileUnderId = fasCompanyLastFirstMiddle


Returns or sets a String representing the first name for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the FTP site entry for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String specifying the whole, unparsed full name for the contact. Read/write.




Returns a String representing the full name and company of the contact by concatenating the values of the FullName and CompanyName properties. Read-only.




Returns or sets an rdoGender constant indicating the gender of the contact. Read/write.

rdoUnspecified 0

rdoFemale = 1
rdoMale = 2




Returns or sets a String representing the government ID number for the contact. Read/write.




True if a Contacts item has a picture associated with it. Read-only Boolean.




Returns or sets a String representing the hobby for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the second home telephone number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the full, unparsed text of the home address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the city portion of the home address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the country/region portion of the home address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the postal code portion of the home address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String the post office box number portion of the home address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the state portion of the home address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the street portion of the home address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the home fax number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the first home telephone number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String that represents a contact's Microsoft Instant Messenger address. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the initials for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String corresponding to the Address box on the Details tab for a contact. This box can contain the URL location of the user's free-busy information in vCard Free-Busy standard format. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the ISDN number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the job title for the contact. Read/write.




True if the transaction of the contact will be journalized. The default value is False. Read/write Boolean.




Returns or sets the language setting for the object that defines the language used in the menu. The Language property uses a String to represent an ISO language tag. For example, the string "EN-US" represents the ISO code for "United States - English." Read/write.




Returns a String representing the last name, first name, middle name, and suffix of the contact. There is a comma between the last and first names and spaces between all the names and the suffix. This property is parsed from the LastName, FirstName, MiddleName and Suffix properties. Read-only.




Returns a String representing the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name of the contact with no space between the last name and the first name. This property is parsed from the LastName, FirstName and MiddleName properties. Read-only.




Returns the last name, first name, and suffix of the user without a space. Read-only String.




Returns a String representing the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name of the contact with no space between the last name and the first name. The company name for the contact is included after the middle name. This property is parsed from the LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, and CompanyName properties. Read-only.




Returns a String representing the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name of the contact with spaces between them. This property is parsed from the LastName, FirstName and MiddleName properties. Read-only.




Returns a String representing the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name of the contact with spaces between them. The company name for the contact is after the middle name. This property is parsed from the LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, and CompanyName properties. Read-only.




Returns or sets a String representing the last name for the contact. Read/write.




Returns a String representing the concatenated last name and first name for the contact. Read-only.




Returns or sets a String representing the full, unparsed selected mailing address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the city name portion of the selected mailing address of the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the country/region code portion of the selected mailing address of the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the postal code (zip code) portion of the selected mailing address of the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the post office box number portion of the selected mailing address of the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the state code portion for the selected mailing address of the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the street address portion of the selected mailing address of the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the manager name for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the middle name for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the mobile telephone number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String indicating the user's Microsoft NetMeeting ID, or alias. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String specifying the name of the Microsoft NetMeeting server being used for an online meeting. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the nickname for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String specifying the specific office location (for example, Building 1 Room 1 or Suite 123) for the contact. This property corresponds to the MAPI property PR_OFFICE_LOCATION. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the organizational ID number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the other address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the city portion of the other address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the country/region portion of the other address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the postal code portion of the other address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the post office box portion of the other address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the state portion of the other address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the street portion of the other address for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the other fax number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the other telephone number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the pager number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String representing the URL of the personal Web page for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String specifying the primary telephone number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String indicating the profession for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String indicating the radio telephone number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String specifying the referral name entry for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets an rdoMailingAddress constant indicating the type of the mailing address for the contact. Read/write.

SelectedMailingAddress can be one of these rdoMailingAddress constants.

rdoNone = 0
rdoHome = 1
rdoBusiness = 2
rdoOther = 3




Returns or sets a String indicating the spouse name entry for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String indicating the name suffix (such as Jr., III, or Ph.D.) for the specified contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String indicating the telex number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String indicating the title for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String specifying the TTY/TDD telephone number for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String specifying the first Microsoft Schedule+ user for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String specifying the second Microsoft Schedule+ user for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String specifying the third Microsoft Schedule+ user for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String specifying the fourth Microsoft Schedule+ user for the contact. Read/write.




This property is not functional and is not intended for use.




Returns or sets a String indicating the URL of the Web page for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String indicating the Japanese phonetic rendering (yomigana) of the company name for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String indicating the Japanese phonetic rendering (yomigana) of the first name for the contact. Read/write.




Returns or sets a String indicating the Japanese phonetic rendering (yomigana) of the last name for the contact. Read/write.





Adds a picture to a contact item.

Note: unlike Outlook Object Model, Redemption does not resize or crop the picture; it is added as-is.




Forwards the contact as a vCard, the Internet standard for creating and sharing virtual business cards. The ForwardAsVcard method returns an RDOMail with the vCard file attached.




Removes a picture from the contact