RDOQuickStep object


RDOQuickStep object represents a Quick Step object used by Outlook 2010.


Returned by:

RDOQuickSteps.Item, RDOQuickSteps.Add


The example below adds a quick step that mark the current selected message(s) as due tomorrow.

qakFlagMessage = 10
set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
set QuickSteps = Session.Stores.DefaultStore.QuickSteps
set QuickStep = QuickSteps.Item("Tomorrow")
if QuickStep Is Nothing Then
QuickStep = QuickSteps.Add("Tomorrow")
set Action = QuickStep.Actions.Add(qakFlagMessage) 'RDOQuickStepActionFlagMessage object will be returned!
Action.Flag = olMarkTomorrow
End If





Derived from: IDispatch


Actions Returns RDOQuickStepActions collection representing the action of the quick step.

'Loop through all quick steps and for each quick step retrieve each action in the XML format
set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
set QuickSteps = Session.Stores.DefaultStore.QuickSteps
for each QuickStep in QuickSteps
Debug.Print "----------------"
Debug.Print QuickStep.Name + " - " + QuickStep.Tooltip
for each Action in QuickStep.Actions
    Debug.Print " " + Action.AsXML
AsXML String read/write.
Returns or sets the XML representing the quick step in the format stored in a hidden message in the Quick Steps Settings folder.
Builtin Boolean, read-only.
Returns true for the built-in actions.
DefaultId Integer, read-only.
Returns the default id of the action. For custom actions (i.e. those created by the user or by calling RDOQuickSteps.Add), this property is 0.

1- Move To
4 -To Manager
5 - Team E-mail
6 - Done
7 - Reply and Delete
Icon String, read/write.
Returns or sets a string representing an icon used by the button displayed by Outlook.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd953682(v=office.12).aspx for the list of icons supported by Microsoft Office.
Name String, read/write.
The name of the quick step as shown by Outlook.
Ordinal Integer, read/write.
An integer representing the position off the quick step on the "Quick Steps" ribbon in Outlook.
Ordinal numbers of quick steps are not necessarily consecutive
Tooltip String, read/write.
The tooltip shown by Outlook for the quick step.


Delete Deletes the quick step.
Save Saves the quick step.