RDOSelectFoldersDialog object |
RDOSelectFoldersDialog allows to
select one or multiple folders and supports wide customization capabilities -
programmatically determining which
folders are shown, modifying button captions, etc. The old
RDOSesssion.PickFolder method
can still be used.
Use RDOSelectFoldersDialog
events to prevent the dialog from closing (OnBeforeClose
event), hide some folders (OnShowFolder event), or
disable the Ok button when a particular folder is selected (OnSelectFolder
Returned by:
The example below displays the
"Select Folder dialog".
set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
set SelectFoldersDialog = Session.GetSelectFoldersDialog
if SelectFoldersDialog.Display Then
set Folder = SelectFoldersDialog.SelectedFolder
MsgBox "selected folder: " & Folder.Name
End If |
The following example allows to
select multiple dialogs (checkboxes) and pre-selects Inbox and Sent Items
set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
set SelectFoldersDialog = Session.GetSelectFoldersDialog
SelectFoldersDialog.AllowMultipleSelection = true
SelectFoldersDialog.Caption = "Please select the folders to process"
SelectFoldersDialog.OkCaption = "Done"
SelectFoldersDialog.ShowNewButton = false
'preselect Inbox and Sent Items folders
'show the dialog
if SelectFoldersDialog.Display Then
Debug.Print "Selected folders:"
Debug.Print "-----------------"
for each strEntryId in SelectFoldersDialog.SelectedEntryIds
set Fld = session.getFolderFromId(strEntryId)
Debug.Print Fld.Name
End If |
Derived from:
Properties |
AllowedContainerClass |
String, read/write.
Allows only a particular folder types to be displayed, e.g. "IPF.Contact"
will only allows the contacts folders to be displayed.
AllowMultipleSelection |
Boolean, read/write.
If true, displays the check boxes next to the folder names (see the
screenshot above).
To specify pre-selected folders, and access the selected folders after
calling Display, use the SelectedEntryIds property.
See example above
AllowSizing |
Boolean, read/write.
If true, the dialog can be resized.
CancelCaption |
String, read/write.
The text displayed by the Cancel button.
Caption |
String, read/write.
The caption of the dialog box.
Boolean, read/write. Default value: true;
If true, the dialog is closed when the user double clicks on a folder.
Integer, read/write.
Specifies the dialog height (in pixels).
LabelCaption |
String, read/write.
The text of the label located just above the tree view.
Left |
Integer, read/write/
Specifies the position (in pixels) of the dialog's left side.
Integer, read/write/
Specifies the minimum height (in pixels) of the dialog.
Integer, read/write/
Specifies the minimum width (in pixels) of the dialog.
NewCaption |
String, read/write.
The text displayed by the "New..." button.
OkCaption |
String, read/write.
The text displayed by the Ok button.
ParentWindow |
Object, read/write.
This can be set either to a
window handle (HWND) or to an object that supports the
IOleWindow interface (such as Explorer or Inspector
objects in the Outlook Object Model).
Setting this property to 1
forces Redemption to use the value returned by the GetForegroundWindow
Windows API function, setting it to 2 uses the value from
SelectedEntryIds |
Strings, read/write.
The collection that holds the entry ids of the selected folders. This
property is only used if the AllowMultipleSelection property is set to
See example above
SelectedFolder |
RDOFolder, read/write.
ShowNewButton |
Boolean, read/write.
If true, the "New.." button is shown.
ShowParentFolders |
Boolean, read/write.
if false, only the folder specified by the SelectedFolder
property and its child folders are shown.
set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
set dlg = Session.GetSelectFoldersDialog
dlg.SelectedFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
dlg.ShowParentFolders = false
if dlg.Display Then
set Folder = dlg.SelectedFolder
MsgBox "selected folder: " & Folder.Name
End If
ShowPublicFolders |
Boolean, read/write.
If false, Public Folders store is not shown.
ShowStoresOnly |
Boolean, read/write.
If true, only the top level stores are shown.
set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
set dlg = Session.GetSelectFoldersDialog
dlg.ShowStoresOnly = true
if dlg.Display Then
set Folder = dlg.SelectedFolder
MsgBox "selected folder: " & Folder.Name
End If
Integer, read/write.
Specifies the position (in pixels) of the dialog's top.
Integer, read/write.
Specifies the dialog width (in pixels).
Methods |
Display |
Displays the dialog box.
Returns true if the user clicked the Ok button, and false if Cancel
Events: |
Fires before the dialog closes.
Set the Cancel parameter to true to prevent the dialog from closing,
Cancel - boolean, in/out.
(Folder, EnableOkButton)
Fires when a node presenting a folder is selected in the tree view.
Set EnableOkButton parameter to false to disable the Ok button.
Folder - RDOFolder object
representing the selected folder.
EnableOkButton - Boolean, in/out.
(Folder, ShowFolder)
Fires when
RDOSelectFoldersDialog object determines whether the folder in question must
be shown. Set the ShowFolder parameter to false to prevent the folder
from being displayed in the tree view.
Folder - RDOFolder object
representing the selected folder.
ShowFolder - Boolean, in/out.