RDOClientRules object


RDOClientRules represents a set of RDOClientRule objects that are the rules available in the current session.


Returned by:




The example below enumerates all rules in the default store in the current profile and prints their names.

set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")

Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT

set ClientRules = Session.Stores.DefaultStore.ClientRules

for each ClientRule in ClientRules

  Debug.Print ClientRule.Name







Derived from: IDispatch


Count integer, read-only. The number of rules in the collection.
Session RDOSession, read-only. Returns the parent RDOSession object.
_Item[Index] RDOClientRule, read-only. Default indexed property.
Returns RDOClientRule object with the specified index (1 through Count)


Create(Name, RuleType)
Creates an RDOClientRule object with the name specified by Name and the type of rule specified by RuleType.

Name - string

RuleType - rdoRuleType.
olRuleReceive = 0
olRuleSend = 1

set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")

Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT

set colRules = Session.Stores.DefaultStore.ClientRules

Set oRule = colRules.Create("Test rule", olRuleReceive)

'Specify the condition in a ToOrFromRuleCondition object

'Condition is if the message is sent by "test@dimastr.com"

Set oFromCondition = oRule.Conditions.From

With oFromCondition

  .Enabled = True

  .Recipients.AddEx "Joe The User", "test@dimastr.com", "SMTP"

End With

'Specify the action in a MoveOrCopyRuleAction object

'Action is to move the message to the target folder

set oMoveTarget = Session.Stores.DefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)._

     Folders.OpenOrAdd("Test folder")

Set oMoveRuleAction = oRule.Actions.MoveToFolder

With oMoveRuleAction

  .Enabled = True

  .Folder = oMoveTarget

 End With

'Specify the exception condition for the subject in a

'TextRuleCondition object

'Exception condition is if the subject contains "fun" or "chat"

Set oExceptSubject = oRule.Exceptions.Subject

With oExceptSubject

  .Enabled = True

  .Text = Array("fun", "chat")

End With

'Update the rules


Exports the rules in the RWZ format to the file specified by the FileName parameter.

FileName  - string. Fully qualified RWZ file name.

Returns RDOClientRule object that represents the first object contained by the collection.

To ensure correct operation of the GetFirst, GetLast, GetNext, and GetPrevious methods in a large collection, call GetFirst before calling GetNext on that collection and call GetLast before calling GetPrevious.

Returns RDOClientRule object that represents the last object contained by the collection.

To ensure correct operation of the GetFirst, GetLast, GetNext, and GetPrevious methods in a large collection, call GetFirst before calling GetNext on that collection and call GetLast before calling GetPrevious.

Returns RDOClientRule object that represents the next object contained by the collection.

To ensure correct operation of the GetFirst, GetLast, GetNext, and GetPrevious methods in a large collection, call GetFirst before calling GetNext on that collection and call GetLast before calling GetPrevious.

Returns RDOClientRule object that represents the previous object contained by the collection.

To ensure correct operation of the GetFirst, GetLast, GetNext, and GetPrevious methods in a large collection, call GetFirst before calling GetNext on that collection and call GetLast before calling GetPrevious.

Import(FileName, ReplaceExistingRules)
Imports the rules in the RWZ format specified by the FileName parameter into the current rules collection.

FileName  - string. Fully qualified RWZ file name.

ReplaceExistingRules - boolean. If true, all rules in the collection are replaced with the rules in the specified file. If false, the new rules are appended to the collection.

Return RDOClientRule object with the specified index (1 through Count) or specified name.

Index - variant, string or integer.

Removes the rule with the specified index (1 through Count) or specified name.

Index - variant, string (rule name) or integer (1 through Count).


Save the rules to the store (if returned from RDOStore2.ClientRules) or the RWZ file (if returned from RDOSession.OpenRulesFile)