RDOOutOfOfficeAssistant object |
RDOOutOfOfficeAssistant represents a
special Exchange rule, which ,when turned on, replies to each incoming message
with a predefined message.
Note that RDO (unlike CDO 1.21)
exposes OOF on the store level, not session. This means that you can manipulate
OOF properties of a store other than the default one.
As of version 5.3, Redemption uses
Exchange Web Services (EWS) API to manipulate the OOF rules. If EWS is not
available (Exchange 2003 or below), Redemption falls back to MAPI.
Only OutOfOfficeText,
OutOfOffice and OutOfOfficeMessage
are MAPI specific and supported in all versions of Exchange. All other
properties are EWS specific and will raise an error when used under Exchange
2003 or older.
EWS (unlike MAPI) allows to specify
separate external/internals replies, specify the OOF time range, etc.
Note that if the current process is
not running under the identity of a domain user who can access the particular
mailbox, Redemption will need the credentials of a domain user who can (see
Session.Credentials.Add in the
second example below).
To avoid having to update the
Exchange server too frequently, call BeginUpdate before updating multiple
properties, and call EndUpdate after you are done. Otherwise Redemption will
update the Exchange server after each property is modified.
Returned by:
The example below sets the default
store as being OOF.
set Session =
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
set Store = Session.Stores.DefaultStore
if (Store.StoreKind = skPrimaryExchangeMailbox) or (Store.StoreKind =
skDelegateExchangeMailbox) Then
set OOFAssistant = Store.OutOfOfficeAssistant
OOFAssistant.OutOfOffice = true
OOFAssistant.OutOfOfficeText = "Sorry, I am out of office at the
MsgBox "Out Of Office Assistant is only available for the Exchange
End If |
The example below sets separate
internal/external OOF replies and specifies the OOF time range.
set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
Session.Credentials.Add "*.myserver.com", "Domain\UserName", "MyPassword"
set OofAssistant = Session.Stores.DefaultStore.OutOfOfficeAssistant
OofAssistant.StartTime = #12/21/2011#
OofAssistant.EndTime = #01/03/2012 9:00#
OofAssistant.State = 2 'rdoOofScheduled
OofAssistant.ExternalAudience = 1 'rdoOofAudienceKnown
OofAssistant.OutOfOfficeTextInternal = "<html><body>I am on vacation from
12/21/2001 until 01/03/2012. Please contact " & _
"<a href=""mailto:Joe.User@MyCompany.com"">Joe User</a>"
& _
" if you have any
OofAssistant.OutOfOfficeTextExternal = "<html><body>I am on <b>vacation</b>
until next year. </body></html>"
OofAssistant.EndUpdate |
Derived from:
Properties |
Specifies the end time of the time range when OOF replies are active.
Date/Time, read/write.
Setting this property sets the State property to
One of the rdoOofExternalAudience enums, read/write.
Specifies whether the OOF replies will be sent to senders (rdoOofAudienceAll),
only to the known senders (rdoOofAudienceKnown), or to no senders at all
rdoOofAudienceNone = 0
rdoOofAudienceKnown = 1
rdoOofAudienceAll = 2
String, read/write. Returns or sets the text used in the OOF reply
This property returns or sets the plain text version of the OOF text
only. It is set using MAPI only, not EWS.
OutOfOfficeTextExternal |
HTML text of the OOF reply to be sent to the external senders.
String, read/write.
HTML text of the OOF reply to be sent to the internal senders.
String, read/write.
Boolean, read/write. Returns or sets the OOF state.
OutOfOfficeMessage |
Returns RDOMail object used as template for
the OOF message. E.g. OutOfOfficeText property is stored as a body of
this message.
Specifies the start time of the time range when OOF replies are active.
Date/Time, read/write.
Setting this property sets the State property to
State |
One of the rdoOofState enuyms, read/write.
Specifies the state of the OOF rule (disabled, enabled, or scheduled).
rdoOofDisabled = 0
rdoOofEnabled = 1
rdoOofScheduled = 2
Methods |
BeginUpdate |
Calling this method tells the
RDOOutOfOfficeAssistant object that it should not save the OOF immediately,
but rather only when EndUpdate is called.
The number of calls to BeginUpdate and EndUpdate must match.
EndUpdate |
Calling this method tells the
RDOOutOfOfficeAssistant object that it should save the OOF immediately.
The number of calls to BeginUpdate and EndUpdate must match.