RDOTemplates object


RDOTemplates collection provides access to the list of templates in the current profile or a given Exchange mailbox


Returned by:




The example below below creates two new templates.

RDOSession session = new RDOSession();

session.MAPIOBJECT = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT;

RDOTemplates templates = session.Templates;

RDOTemplate template1 = templates.Add(

    "See report",

    "Please see the attached last quarter report.");

RDOTemplate template2 = templates.Add(

    "Submit support ticket",

    @"Please submit support ticket at<br>"+

    "<a href=""https://www.mycompany.demo/support"">" +


templates.Save(); //can also call RDOTemplate.Save





Derived from: IDispatch


Hidden .Returns IEnumVariant object that allows foreach (C#) and "for each" (VB) iterators.

Integer Read-only.
Returns the number of RDOTemplate objects in the collection.


Hidden, default collection property.



Add(Title, Contents)

Add the specified title and contents to the list of templates and returns the corresponding RDOTemplate object.

If a template with the given title already exists, it will be overwritten.

see example above.

Deletes all templates in the collection.
Returns RDOTemplate object corresponding to the argument.

IndexOrTitle - Either an integer index (1 through Count), a string (title of the template).
If no template object with the give title can be found, null is returned.
If integer index is used (1 through Count), an exception is raised if the index is outside the range.


Deletes RDOTemplate object corresponding to the argument.

IndexOrTitle - Either an integer index (1 through Count), a string (title of thetemplater).
If no template object with the give title can be found, null is returned.
If integer index is used (1 through Count), an exception is raised if the index is outside the range.

Saves all modified templates in the collection