SafePostItem object


SafePostItem object exposes Outlook.PostItem object properties and methods blocked by the security patch.


The example below outputs the sender name of each post item in the currently displayed folder in Outlook:

set App = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
set Folder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
set SafePostItem = CreateObject("Redemption.SafePostItem")
for each item in Folder.Items
    if TypeName(item) = "PostItem" Then
        SafePostItem.Item = item
        Debug.Print Item.Subject & ": " & SafePostItem.SenderName
    End If


Derived from: SafeItem

The following properties and method are inherited from the SafeItem object:


Attachments, Auth, Key, Body, Fields, Item, Recipients, RTFBody, Sender, Version

CopyTo, GetIDsFromNames, Import, SaveAs, Send


HTMLBody Returns or sets a String representing the HTML body of the specified item. The HTMLBody property should be an HTML syntax string. Read-only.
IsDirty Returns TRUE if the Outlook object assigned to the Item property has unsaved changes.
SenderName Returns a String indicating the display name of the sender for the e-mail message, meeting item, or post. This property corresponds to the MAPI property PR_SENDER_NAME. Read-write