Profiles object


Profiles represents all profiles configured for the current Windows user.



The example below enumerates all profiles and all services in each profile.

set Profiles=CreateObject("ProfMan.Profiles")
for i = 1 to Profiles.Count
    set Profile = Profiles.Item(i)
    set Services = Profile.Services
    Debug.Print "------ " & Profile.Name & " ------"
    for j = 1 to Services.Count
        Debug.Print Services.Item(j).ServiceName






Derived from: IDispatch


Count Integer, read-only.
Returns the number of profiles in the collection.
DefaultProfile Returns the default profile (Profile)
Item[Index] Returns a profile (Profile) with the given index (1 through Count).


(Name, AddDefaultServices, ShowDialog, ParentWindow)
Adds a profile with the given name.

Name - string. Name of the new profile.
AddDefaultServices - boolean. TRUE if default services must be added automatically.
ShowDialog - boolean. If true, the configuration dialog will be shown.
ParentWindow - integer. Handle of the parent window to be used as the parent of the configuration dialog.
Delete(Index) Deletes the profile with the given index (1 through Count)