RTFEditor object


RTFEditor provides the means to retrieve or set  the rich text properties of a text displayed by Outlook.









Derived from: PlainTextEditor

The following properties and methods are derived from the PlainTextEditor object.

CanUndo, CaretPosX, CaretPosY, Handle, HideSelection, ReadOnly, SelLength, SelStart, SelText, Text
Clear, ClearSelection, ClearUndo, CopyToClipboard, CutToClipboard, PasteFromClipboard, SelectAll, Undo


DefAttributes Use DefAttributes to discover or set the default font characteristics that the RTF editor uses for newly inserted text. These are the characteristics of the text before any special attributes have been applied. Once any special attributes are applied to a portion of text, no text from that point on is considered to have the default attributes, even if the attributes match the DefAttributes.

Returns TextAttributes object.
ParagraphAttributes Specifies the formatting information for the current paragraphs

Returns ParagraphAttributes object.

Specifies the selected portion of the editor's RTF text. Important note: this property is only available if your code is running inside of the outlook.exe process space; that is your code must be a COM addin or run in the Outlook VBA editor.



Specifies the RTF text string that is displayed in the editor. Important note: this property is only available if your code is running inside of the outlook.exe process space; that is your code must be a COM addin or run in the Outlook VBA editor.


SelAttributes Use SelAttributes to discover or set the font characteristics of the currently selected text. SelAttributes is a TextAttributes object, which specifies characteristics such as font face, color, size, style, and pitch. To change a single attribute of the currently selected text, read SelAttributes, and set one of its properties. To change all of the attributes of the currently selected text, set SelAttributes to a TextAttributes object that represents the desired configuration of attributes. If no text is selected, SelAttributes represents the attributes of the cursor position.