RDOFolders object collection


RDOFolders collection represents the subfolders of a given RDOFolder object.

Returned by: RDOFolder.Folders


The example below logs to the default MAPI session and prints out the names of all the subfolders of the root IPM folder of the default store:

set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
set IPMRoot = Session.Stores.DefaultStore.IPMRootFolder
for each Folder in IPMRoot.Folders






Derived from: IDispatch



integer. Returns the number of folders in the collection

set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
set Folder = Session.Stores.DefaultStore.IPMRootFolder.Folders("Test folder")
MsgBox "Number of subfolders: " & Folder.Folders.Count


Index - variant: integer or a string. A default object property.

Retrieves a subfolder with a given index (1 to Count) or a given name

Returns RDOFolder object



IUnknown, read-only. Returns the IMAPITable Extended MAPI interface used internally by the RDOItems collection



RDOSession, read-only. Returns the parent MAPI session represented by the RDOSession object



MAPITable, read-only. Returns the MAPITable Redemption object which can be used to manipulate the collection (restrict, find, etc).




Index - variant: integer or a string.

Retrieves a subfolder with a given index (1 to Count) or a given name

Returns RDOFolder object



Add(Name, Type)

Adds new subfolder to the specified folder. Returns an RDOFolder object.


Name - string. The name of the folder to add

Type - variant, optional. If specified, can be either one of the rdoDefaultFolders enums (olFolderCalendar, olFolderContacts, etc) or a string representing the container class (PR_CONTAINER_CLASS in Extended MAPI), e.g. "IPF.Contact"


set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
set IPMRoot = Session.Stores.DefaultStore.IPMRootFolder
set NewFld = IPMRoot.Folders.Add("Test Folder")

AddSearchFolder(Name, Type)

Adds new search folder to the specified folder. Returns an RDOSearchFolder object.

Name - string. The name of the search folder to add

Type - variant, optional. If specified, can be either one of the OlDefaultFolders enums (olFolderCalendar, olFolderContacts, etc) or a string representing the container class (PR_CONTAINER_CLASS in Extended MAPI), e.g. "IPF.Contact"



Locates and returns the first folder (RDOFolder) matching the specified SQL style query (see example).

If no folders matches the query, null is returned.

To locate subsequent matching items, call FindNext repeatedly until null is returned.

See also Restrict method.


Filter - string. SQL style query specifying the condition. Can either be a WHERE part only (e.g. "Name LIKE 'C%' ") or a complete SQL expression with the SELECT, WHERE and ORDER BY clauses (see example).


The properties specified in the SQL query must either use the Outlook Object Model (or RDO) property name (e.g. Subject, Email1Address) or a DASL style property name (e.g. "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x0037001E", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/id/{00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/8083001E")

When a DASL property name is used, it must be enclosed in double quotes.

Use OutlookSpy to figure out the DASL property names - select an item in Outlook, click IMAPIFolder button on the OutlookSpy toolbar, select the property, see the "DASL" edit box on he right hand side of the window.


Including the SELECT clause allows Redemption to pre-fetch the properties from the folder hierarchy table without opening the item resulting in a significant performance gain (see example). If you later access a property not specified in the SELECT clause, Redemption will open the item.


Including the ORDER BY clause sorts the collection in the specified order.



Returns the next folder matching the restriction specified in a previous call to Find. It returns null if no next object exists, for example, if already positioned at the end of the collection.


An error will be raised if the Find method was not previously called.




Returns the first folder in the specified RDOFolders collection. Returns Nothing if no first folder exists, for example, if there are no subfolders.




Returns the last folder in the specified RDOFolders collection. Returns Nothing if no last folder exists, for example, if there are no subfolders.




Returns the next folder in the specified RDOFolders collection. It returns Nothing if no next folder exists, for example, if already positioned at the end of the collection.




Returns the previous folder in the specified RDOFolders collection. It returns Nothing if no previous folder exists, for example, if already positioned at the beginning of the collection.



OpenOrAdd(Name, Type)

Opens the existing folder or adds new subfolder to the specified folder. Returns an RDOFolder object.

This method is more efficient (it is implemented on the store provider level) than the usual practice of first attempting to call RDOFolders.Add, catch the exception, and then retrieve the existing folder by name using RDOFolders.Item (or RDOFolders[]).


Name - string. The name of the folder to add

Type - variant, optional. If specified, can be either one of the rdoDefaultFolders enums (olFolderCalendar, olFolderContacts, etc) or a string representing the container class (PR_CONTAINER_CLASS in Extended MAPI), e.g. "IPF.Contact"


OpenOrAddSearchFolder(Name, Type)

Opens the existing folder or adds new search folder to the specified folder. Returns an RDOSearchFolder object.


Name - string. The name of the search folder to add

Type - variant, optional. If specified, can be either one of the OlDefaultFolders enums (olFolderCalendar, olFolderContacts, etc) or a string representing the container class (PR_CONTAINER_CLASS in Extended MAPI), e.g. "IPF.Contact"




Deletes a subfolder with the specified index (1 to Count)

Index - integer, 1 through Count




Applies a filter to the RDOFolders collection, returning a new RDOFolders collection containing all of the items from the original that match the filter. The original RDOFolders collection is not affected.


This method is an alternative to using the Find method or FindNext method to iterate over specific subfolders within a collection. The Find or FindNext methods are faster than filtering if there are a small number of items. The Restrict method is significantly faster if there is a large number of items in the collection, especially if only a few items in a large collection are expected to be found.


Filter - string. SQL style query. See Find method help for more information


Sort(Columns, Descending)

Sorts the collection of folders by the specified property or properties.


Columns - can either be an integer property tag or a variant array of integer property tags or a comma separated string of the OOM or DASL property names (see example)


Descending - optional. Either a boolean or a variant array of boolean values corresponding to the Columns parameter.


'Sort subfolders in the order displayed by Outlook
set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
set folder = Session.Stores.DefaultStore.IPMRootFolder
'sort on two properties PR_SORT_POSITION and PR_DISPLAY_NAME_W
Dim sortProps()
Redim sortProps(1)
sortProps(0) = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x30200102"
sortProps(1) = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x3001001F"
dim sorts()
Redim sorts(1)
sorts(0) = false
sorts(1) = false
set subFolders = folder.Folders
subFolders.Sort sortProps, sorts
for each f in subFolders
isHidden = f.Fields(&H10F4000B) 'PR_ATTR_HIDDEN
if not (isHidden) Then
Debug.Print f.Name
End If



Fires when a subfolder in the hierarchy table is modified.

Folder - RDOFolder object




Fires when a new subfolder is added to the hierarchy table.

Folder - RDOFolder object


Dim WithEvents InboxFolders As Redemption.RDOFolders

Set Session = New Redemption.RDOSession
Set Store = Session.Stores.DefaultStore
Set Inbox = Store.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set InboxFolders = Inbox.Folders

Sub InboxFolders_FolderAdd(ByVal Folder As RDOFolder)
  MsgBox "New subfolder added to the Inbox: " & Folder.Name
End Sub



Fires when a folder is removed from the hierarchy table.
By the time this asynchronous even is fired, the folder is already deleted, hence no entry id is available.

InstanceKey - a hex value of the PR_INSTANCE_KEY property of the deleted table row. Note that PR_INSTANCE_KEY is not available from the folder itself, only from the MAPI table (see MAPITable property). InstanceKey is only guaranteed to be the same for the same instance of the table, hence this event is useful only if the value of PR_INSTANCE_KEY was previously cached.




Fires when the hierarchy table is modified and the underlying MAPI implementation cannot provide more detailed information about the change, e.g. when too many folders were modified at the same time.

When the event fires, it must be assumed that the entire contents of the collection are no longer valid.