Outlook Redemption works around limitations imposed by the Outlook Security Patch plus provides a number of objects and functions to work with properties and functionality not exposed through the Outlook Object Model. Redemption library includes the RDO (Redemption Data Objects) family of objects that can function as a complete Outlook Object Model or CDO 1.21 replacement. With Outlook Redemption you can
Redemption supports Outlook 98, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021 (both 32 and 64 bit) (Outlook 97 is not supported by the Safe*Item objects) as well as the standalone version of MAPI (no Outlook installed). The RDO family of objects can also be used with the Exchange Server or standalone versions of Extended MAPI (Exchange 5.5 through 2013) . |
Using Outlook Redemption
Please follow and carefully read the links below before using Outlook Redemption.
To use Redemption in a script or VBA, register redemption.dll (or redemption64.dll in case of a 64 bit version of Outlook) with regsvr32.exe in any folder. You can then create various Redemption objects using the CreateObject function (e.g. set session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")).
To use Redemption from C# or VB.Net, add a
reference to the included interop dll (Interop.Redemption.dll) to
your project references. To create Redemption objects, you can use either the
new operator (e.g. RDOSession session = new RDOSession();) or
use RedemptionLoader
(e.g. RDOSession session = RedemptionLoader.new_RDOSession();). In the
former case (the new operator) the Redemption dll must be installed using
make sure to build your project to
match the Outlook bitness on
the machine where your code is running.
How Outlook Redemption works
Redemption is a regular COM library; once registered on the system, it is accessible by any programming language that can use COM libraries (C#, VB.Net, VB, VBA, VC++, Delphi, VFP, etc). Redemption can also be used directly without being installed in the registry by utilizing RedemptionLoader.
Redemption uses Extended MAPI (which is not affected by the Security Patch since it is not accessible to the scripting languages) to duplicate and expand on the functionality exposed by the Outlook Object Model.
RDOSession object can be used as
a replacement for the Outlook.Namespace OOM object. After logging to a MAPI
profile using Logon / LogonHostedExchangeMailbox/ LogonPstStore methods,
RDOSession object can be used to access all store
objects (messages, folders, stores, etc.) as well as address book, account, etc.
If your existing code already uses the Outlook Object Model, set RDOSession.MAPIOBJECT property to Namespace.MAPIOBJECT from Outlook to share the active session between Outlook and Redemption instead of calling Logon.
If your goal is to get rid of the security prompts form the Outlook Object Model, Safe*Item family of objects achieves that with minimal changes to your existing code. All Safe*Item Redemption objects expose the Item property which must be set to an Outlook item. Once set, you can access any properties and methods, both blocked and not blocked. For the blocked properties and functions, Redemption objects completely bypass the Outlook Object Model and behave exactly like Outlook objects with no Security Patch applied.
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